Saturday, December 17, 2011

Make your own Gluten Free Granola and Vanilla Yogurt!

This has been an adventurous week for my son and me. As a family we all consume and enjoy yogurt and all its many benefits. Unfortunately, in Minneapolis we cannot recycle the containers that the yogurt is in, same story for any cottage cheese or sour cream containers. We have tried recycling at the co-ops, but they can't take these pesky containers either. This dilemma got us thinking, Nick, 4 years, loves cooking and "science projects" (I am certain he doesn't fully understand the word science, but it's his motivation today). We decided today we’d make our own yogurt- how hard can it be?

We searched for a recipe to make yogurt at home! We were very excited to find out that we had all the tools on hand, with exception to the yogurt starter or plain yogurt. We quickly ran to our local co-op and purchased Yogourmet Yogurt Stater and Liquid Rennet (incase we ventured to make cottage cheese as well....check back soon for more on cottage cheese).

HOME-MADE Yogurt without a Machine!

    The yogurt making process is fairly simple. You need a few items:
  • a large stainless steel sauce pan with lid
  • small bowl
  • spatula
  • thermometer - a candy thermometer is best and it can hook right on your pot.
  • an incubator - I used my Trader Joe’s hot/cold cooler, with a sheet and heating pad inside. You could also use a yogurt maker if you have - but no need to purchase. A travel cooler, heating pad and sheet or towel will work.
  • Glass Mason Jars

(all utensils should be very clean)


4 Cups (1 quart) Organic Whole or 2% milk

1/4 Cup Agave Syrup

1 packet yogurt starter or 4 tablespoons plain yogurt

1 Tablespoon high quality Vanilla

Heat the milk in the sauce pan over medium high heat until milk reaches 185 degrees F. Whisk or stir continually so the milk doesn't scorch. Don’t let it boil.

Add the Agave Syrup or Sugar and Vanilla while heating the milk.

Once milk reaches 185 degrees F. Move pot to another area of stove and continue stirring to bring down temperature. You can use an ice bath as well.

Once milk is about 110 degrees, take 1/2 cup out and mix thoroughly with the yogurt starter or 4 tablespoons of plain yogurt. Add the mixture of milk and starter back into the main pot and stir.

Carefully fill your 4 quart sized Mason jars with the yogurt and put lid on.

Place in incubator* for 6-10 hours. You may need to continue to turn on the heating pad. The jars should remain warm, but never hot. Any temperature above 110 will kill the active cultures and it won’t work.

When you open the jar it will smell like yogurt and you know your yogurt was a success. Place in refrigerator and enjoy!

*how to make an incubator*

place a heating pad and folded sheet in a travel cooler, zipper closed and turn on heating pad to medium high heat.

Gluten Free Granola

1 Cup Gluten Free Rolled Oats (I use Bob's Red Mill)

1/2 Cup Flax Seeds

1/4 Cup Chia Seeds

1/3 Cup Honey

1 tablespoon cinnamon


Raisins, dried fruits, coconut flakes

Pre-heat oven to 250 degrees F.

Mix all ingredients in a large bowl. Cover a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Spread the granola mixture over the parchment paper covered cookie sheet. Place in the oven on the middle rack. Carefully mix the granola every 7-10 minutes for 45 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool. Once cool - add any desired optional items and store in an air tight container. Enjoy with your homemade yogurt or even milk!

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